- 发布时间:2024-09-11
- 截止日期:详见正文
- 学历要求:博士研究生
深圳医学科学院( Shenzhen Medical Academy ofResearch and Translation ,简称 SMART )致力建成集前沿科学研究、科技资源管理、教育与交流、临床研究网络、科技成果转化与政策咨询为一体的医学科技战略机构。
了解更多信息,欢迎访问官网( [申请查看] )或关注官方微信公众号“深圳医学科学院”。
根据发展规划, SMART 诚聘各层次免疫学科英才担任独立 PI ,具体研究领域包括但不限于以下方向: innate and adaptive immunity,inflammation, immune response to pathogens including viruses, bacteria, fungi,etc., neuroimmunology, cancer immunology, autoimmunity, and comparative andsystems immunology.
招聘特聘研究员 (JuniorPrincipal Investigator) ,基本条件为:
1. 具有博士学位和博士后研究经历;
2. 学术水平达到海外内知名高校 / 科研机构助理教授或相当岗位的标准;
3. 创新研究能力得到学科领域内专家的认可;
4. 有独立发展的能力和获得长聘岗位的潜力。
招聘资深研究员 (SeniorPrincipal Investigator) ,基本条件为:
1. 在海外内知名高校 / 科研机构已经获得终身教职,即将获得终身教职的申请者也可以酌情考虑;
2. 实验室的工作持续不断的发表在国际权威杂志;
3. 在本领域内具有国际知名度,包括海内外科研机构和国际会议的讲座邀请,国际性学术团体的领导经验,海内外基金和权威杂志的评审邀请等;
4. 申请并获得各项科学研究项目和基金;
5. 具有指导博士和博士后的经验,以及研究生教学经验。
1. 遵循 SMART 的基本目标和发展规划,独立领导课题组开展创新性科学研究工作;
2. 独立申请各项科学研究项目和基金;
3. 管理课题组,培养研究生,指导课题组副研究员、助理研究员、博士后、研究助理等的科研工作;
4. 积极参与 SMART 相关活动,包括学术会议、人才招聘和对外交流合作等。
1. 提供具有国际竞争力的薪酬待遇;
2. 根据科研实际需要,提供充足的启动经费、科研空间、办公空间;
3. 提供尖端的技术支撑平台;
4. 自主组建包括博士研究生、博士后和专职研究人员的学术团队;
5. 提供人才集聚、领域交叉、研究前沿的学术环境;
6. 专业团队全力协助申报国家和地方人才项目、人才奖励;
7. 专业团队和孵化平台助力科研成果转移转化;
8. 协助外籍员工办理工作许可、办理居留许可、申请个税优惠;
9. 其它福利待遇,包括提供五险一金、年度健康体检、带薪年假;
有意向申请者,请将英文格式的申请材料合并为一个 PDF 文件后发送至 SMART 相关邮箱( [申请查看] ),邮件标题为“申请岗位 + 姓名 + 研究方向 + ”。
【 快捷投递:点击下方“立即投递 / 投递简历”,即刻进行职位报名】
申请材料 :
1. Cover letter;
2. Curriculum vitae;
3. Research summary and research plan;
4. Names, affiliations, and contactdetails of three referees.
About Us
The Shenzhen Medical Academy of Researchand Translation (SMART) is an institute blazing new trails for future medicalsciences.
SMART is on a crucial mission to explorenew mechanisms that best stimulate original innovations while cultivating acommunity of top talents who are ready for pressing challenges. At SMART,translating science and technology into health for all is at the center of whatwe do. Utilizing a whole-process approach, we continuously push the limits ofbiomedical research in order to bridge the gaps in basic, clinical, andtranslational fields.
With our roots in Shenzhen, we at SMARTare bold in dreaming big to build the City of Shenzhen into an intellectual destination fortalents and global powerhouse for biomedical sciences.
For more information about SMART, pleasevisit our official website: [申请查看]
Positions andQualifications
In line with its development plan, SMARTinvites outstanding talents in the field of immunology to join as independentPrincipal Investigators (PIs). Areas of interest include (but are not limitedto) innate and adaptive immunity, inflammation, immune response to pathogensincluding viruses, bacteria, fungi, etc., neuroimmunology, cancer immunology,autoimmunity, and comparative and systems immunology.
Applicants at junior and senior levels areboth encouraged to apply.
The basicqualifications for junior PIs are:
1. Possession of a Ph.D. degree andpostdoctoral research experience;
2. Academic achievements comparable tothose of an assistant professor or equivalent position at renowneduniversities/research institutions in China or overseas;
3. Recognized innovative researchcapabilities within the academic field;
4. The ability to conduct independentresearch and potential for obtaining tenure positions.
The basicqualifications for senior PIs are:
1. Possession of a tenured investigatorposition at renowned universities/research institutions in China or overseas;
candidates whoare in the process of tenure promotion may also be considered;
2. An established track record ofpeer-reviewed publications;
3. Evidence of international recognition,including but not limited to invited talks at academic institutions and internationalconferences, leadership in professional societies, research grant reviewinvitations, and peer review for scientific journals.
4. Demonstrated success in attractingextramural research funding;
5. Excellence in teaching and mentorshipat the graduate level.
We sincerely invite talents in immunologyat all levels to join us and work together. We also warmly welcome colleagues,collaborators, and friends who have long supported our development to recommendoutstanding scholars to join us.
Job Responsibilities
Follow the basic goals and developmentplans of SMART, independently lead research groups to conduct innovativescientific research.
Independently apply for various scientificresearch projects and funds.
Manage research groups, mentor graduatestudents, and guide the research work of associate researchers, assistantresearchers, postdoctoral fellows, research assistants, etc.
Actively participate in relevantactivities of SMART, including academic conferences, talent recruitment, andexternal exchanges and cooperation.
Qualified candidates will receive aninternationally competitive salary, ample start-up funds, lab space, officespace. State-of-the-art core facilities, translational platforms, andinterdisciplinary academic environment are also available at SMART. Assistancewill be provided in applying for national and regional talent awards andsubsidies. Other benefits provided by SMART include insurance and housing fund,annual physical examination, paid annual leave, and children's education. Forinternational staff, we also help them to apply for work permit, residencepermit and foreign tax preference.
Application Guide
Interested applicants are requested tosend the required application documents in a single PDF file by email [申请查看]. The email subject should be "Applied Position + FullName + Research Direction." Upon receipt of your materials, we willcontact you promptly.
Application Materials:
1. Cover letter;
2. Curriculum vitae;
3. Research summary and research plan;
4. Names, affiliations, and contactdetails of three referees.
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