- 发布时间:2025-02-19
- 截止日期:2025-08-18
- 学历要求:博士研究生
招聘部门: 射电天文科学与技术研究室
岗位名称: 脉冲星计时阵研究
工作地点: 上海市徐汇区
招聘人数: 1 人
1 、在选定方向进行射电脉冲星相关研究,如高精度脉冲星计时,脉冲星计时阵探测低频引力波,脉冲星计时阵数据分析,纳赫兹引力波来源搜寻等;
2 、处理大型射电望远镜(如天马, FAST )脉冲星观测数据,分析脉冲星计时阵数据;
3 、为工作及项目撰写相关论文。
1 、具有天体物理、天文技术与方法,或物理等相关专业博士学位, 35 周岁(含)以下;
2 、具有射电脉冲星计时阵数据处理相关经验,并能熟练使用相关软件(如 tempo2,PINT , enterprise,temponest 等)和相关编程语言(如 python,C/C++ );
3 、具有射电脉冲星,引力波数据分析和低频引力波来源基本知识;
4 、具有独立开展科学研究的能力;
5 、热爱科研工作,诚实可信,具有较强的责任心;
6 、具有较强的团队协作和进取创新精神。
1 、本岗位招满即止;
2 、应聘者请提供个人简历、学位证明材料(包括:学历及学位证书,专业技术职务证书复印件等)、一份研究计划及两封推荐信;
3 、通过资格审查的应聘人参加竞聘面试,面试时间和地点另行通知。
1 、邮寄地址:上海市徐汇区南丹路 80 号,人事处,邮编: 200030
Job summary
Category:Post-doctoral Positions and Fellowships
Institution: Shanghai AstronomicalObservatory, CAS
Number of PositionsAvailable: 1
Duration: 2 Years
Could the duration beextended?
: Yes
Work arrangement:In-Person
Job description
Shanghai AstronomicalObservatory (SHAO), CAS, is seeking to fill one postdoctoral position in theRadio Astronomy Science and Technology division. The successful candidate willjoin the Pulsar Timing Array (PTA) group and will be able to independently leadtheir own projects in areas related to the data analysis and interpretation ofnano-Hertz gravitational wave signals. The PTA group has a strong focus onnational and international collaboration, working with colleagues in the CPTA,EPTA and IPTA. Thus, the successful candidate will be strongly encouraged towork within a PTA collaboration.
As part of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) SHAO providesa diverse research environment and has access to a wide range of researchfacilities, such as FAST, etc. The institute also possesses its own facilitiessuch as the 65-m Tianma radio telescope and excellent computational [申请查看] is also leading the efforts to establish a Chinese VLBI network (CVN). Theobservatory is heavily involved in the SKA project, especially is pushing toconstruct the China SKA Regional Centre.
Candidates should holda PhD in Physics, Astronomy or a related discipline as well as relevant priorexperience. Knowledge on the following topics are beneficial: 1. pulsars, inparticular pulsar timing;
2. data analysis for gravitational wave searchexperiments;
3. astrophysical and/or cosmological GW sources. Basic codingskills are required, in particular in python. Expertise in analyzing pulsartiming data and/or constraining the properties of GW sources is highlydesirable.
The SHAO postdoctoralposition is open for young researchers of all nationalities. The appointment isawarded for two years initially with the possibility of a one-year extensionfollowing this initial period, subject to performance and funding [申请查看] start date is flexible, but should be within 2025. The salary is dependenton qualification and experience, but highly competitive with generous socialbenefits.
Inquiries on theposition can be addressed to Dr Siyuan Chen [申请查看] >. Applicantsshould submit a curriculum vitae with a list of publications, brief researchsummary and plan, and arrange for two reference letters to be sent directly tothe HR department [申请查看] >.The position will be open until a suitable candidate has been found.
更多最新博士后招收资讯请关注 高才 博士后微信公众号(微信号: bshjob )。
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